Inception was released as a science fiction movie in 2010.
The director of this movie is Christopher Nolan. This movie stars Leonard Dicaprio.
The film was nominated for the 83rd Academy Awards. Especilly it received a cinematograply award,
a sound effects award, an editing award and recording award.
This movie earned $62.8 millon in the first three days of the North American public weekend.
I was very suprised to hear that.
Cobb whose business was to inflitrate the dreams of others and steal his ideas and information
is asked by a man named Saito for new style mission one day
・・The mission called Inception was to decevie the son of the president is rival company.
I've never seen a movie about the world of dreams.
So it was very interesting. Ken Watanabe and Leonardo DiCaprio were co-starred together.
At first I thought it was a scary story, but as I looked at it,I found it was a work that absorbs you in the story. I want people who like scary stories and actions to see it.
I hope that more Japanese and American actors will co-star in the future.