
11月, 2020の投稿を表示しています


This drama is BUZZER BEAT. The genre is TV sports drama. This drama was made by Mika Omori. The drama aired on Monday, July 13 to September 21 2009. There were episodes The main cast was Tomohisa Yamashita,KeikoKitagawa, Saki Aibu,and Hideaki Ito. In this drama a professional basketball player Naoki cannot exert his power as he wishes,but he meets Riko and becomes stronger as a player. It is also attractive that she became a lover from a friend. What I felt when I saw this drama was that the person who can make the buzzer beater at the end of a basketball game cool.Also,I thought it was wonderful that Naoki could do his best just by having his loved one support him.


Inception was released as a science fiction movie in 2010. The director of this movie is Christopher Nolan. This movie stars Leonard Dicaprio. The film was nominated for the 83rd Academy Awards. Especilly it received a cinematograply award, a sound effects award, an editing award and recording award. This movie earned $62.8 millon in the first three days of the North American public weekend. I was very suprised to hear that. Cobb whose business was to inflitrate the dreams of others and steal his ideas and information is asked by a man named Saito for new style mission one day ・・The mission called Inception was to decevie the son of the president is rival company. I've never seen a movie about the world of dreams. So it was very interesting. Ken Watanabe and Leonardo DiCaprio were co-starred together. At first I thought it was a scary story, but as I looked at it,I found it was a work that absorbs you in the story. I want people who like scary stories and actions to see i...